Thursday 25 October 2018

Data Management

CHAPTER 3- Data Management

Dear Parent/Caregiver:
Your child can practise some activities such as the following:
Tally Charts                                       pages 56-57
Pictographs                                       pages 58-59
Bar Graphs                                        pages 62-63
Communicate about Data              pages 64-65
Mode                                                  review worksheets
• Your child can design a question, conduct a survey, tally the results, and display the data in a bar graph. For example, they could ask, “How many of my books do I want to read, or read again: soon, someday, or never?” and then interpret the results.
• When sharing a circular item, such as a pie, encourage your child to compare the sizes of slices (cut from the centre); this is similar to a circle graph.
Nelson Web Site at

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