Monday, 10 December 2018


Letter to Families

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We are now ready to begin Unit 2: The Road to Bethlehem in the Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program for Grade 3. This unit explores the topics of how we wait in joyful hope for the birth of Jesus through the season of Advent, celebrate the glory of Christmas, and continue to carry on the mission that Jesus was sent to do.

This unit will take approximately five weeks. During the unit, students will learn

• how God revealed His promise to send a Messiah through the prophets

• how to prepare ourselves through prayer and penance for Jesus’ second coming

• more about the ancestors of Jesus through the stories of people whose symbols are displayed on the Jesse Tree

• details about and the significance of the events leading up to and surrounding the birth of Jesus

• how God’s grace helped Mary and Joseph make their decisions

• how Jesus’ birth is the fulfillment of the prophecies

• how we are called to share the Good News of Jesus, His birth, and His life with others

• what missionaries do and how we can be missionaries in our own communities

Please speak with your child about what he or she is learning in the classroom and share in the experiences as often as possible.

We value the support you provide in nurturing the faith development of your child

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Self-Regulation and the marshmallow test

One treat now—or two if I wait.

That’s the choice Ms. Kerrigan's students were able to make when they took the Marshmallow Test today. This is a famous measure of how well children can delay gratification.

All students chose to wait. After 15 minutes they were given a second. 

"The Stanford marshmallow experiment was a series of studies on delayed gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University. The children could eat the treat, the researchers said, but if they waited for fifteen minutes without giving in to the temptation, they would be rewarded with a second treat.Marshmallow Experiment

Image result for marshmallow

Monday, 19 November 2018

Anti Bullying Week

Remember this week is anti bullying week. Please participate in the following ways.

  1. Tuesday wear pyjamas with a stuffy.
  2. Wednesday wear black.
  3. Thursday is jersey day.
  4. Friday is pink day.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

2D Geometry Assessment

Please review:
  • Names of Polygons
  • Geometric properties (ex. number of sides, number of vertices, lines of symmetry)
  • Lines of Symmetry (draw the other half of a shape, draw the lines of symmetry in a shape)
  • Polygon review

Friday, 16 November 2018

Monday, 12 November 2018

Social Studies: Living and Working in Ontario

Living and Working in Ontario:
Letter Home

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Our class is studying a new social studies unit: Living and Working in Ontario.

We will be learning about the three landform regions in Ontario, including their features, climate, and natural resources. We will also learn about people’s connections to the land and natural resources. We will explore the challenges of balancing people’s needs and wants with protecting God’s Creation.

This unit will also focus on the following principle of Catholic Social Teachings: the person as God’s manager, worker, and steward of Creation. As well, it will focus on the following Catholic virtues: faith, hope, love, good sense, fairness, courage, and self-discipline.

To help your child become a steward of God’s Creation, consider the following activities:

      Discuss how your family tries to care for the environment or your community.

      As a family, commit to actions you can take to do more for the environment or your community.

Your child will also be developing inquiry and mapping skills as we work on this unit: how to ask questions; how to gather and organize information; how to interpret and analyze information; how to evaluate information and draw conclusions; and how to analyze and construct maps. To help develop your child’s skills, consider the following activities:

      Discuss with your child how land is used in your community for recreation, commerce, housing, conservation, and so on.

      Examine maps of Ontario with your child. Talk about what you can learn from these maps.

As we work on this unit, I will be sending home other activities that you and your child can work on together.

Thank you for your partnership in your child’s learning.

Living and Working in Ontario sites

Ontario Curriculum Expectations: Social Studies Expectations
We are learning about Ontario Landform Regions.  These are the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canadian Shield and the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Lowlands.


Learn more about Ontario:

Information about Ontario

Ontario tourism site

Historical Ontario tourism video

Learn more about the province of Ontario

Welcome to Ontario video clip

TRCA--The Living City TV

What is a Map? (choose Maps)

Learn about the province of Ontario:

Solve the Mystery:

Tourist attractions in Ontario:

Maps of Ontario:

Countryside Investigators

Ontario Watersheds

The Great Lakes (choose lakes):

Canada's Physical Regions:

Learn about landforms

Ontario's Physical Regions:

Hudson Bay Lowlands:

Canadian Shield:
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands:

Canadian Geographic Atlas for Kids

Fun facts about Ontario:

Online Kids' Dictionary:

List of Towns in Ontario:

List of Cities in Ontario:

Map of Cities and Towns in Ontario:

List of Townships in Ontario:

List of Villages in Ontario:

Map of Ontario Counties:

Information on Ontario's Municipalities:

Information about Toronto's government

Poem:  Where Does It Come From?

A relief map of Ontario

Video clip about natural resources

Video about natural resources

Quiz about natural resources

Where did that pencil come from?  Interactive activity

Find a farm in Ontario

Egg Farmers of Ontario

From Farm to Table

Virtual farm tour

A fishing community:  Norfolk County
Map of Norfolk county

​Automotive Industry clip
Manufacturing in Ontario:

Oshawa GM Plant clip

Living in Oshawa:

List of Automobile Assembly Plants in Southern Ontario

Did you know that Rockets are made in Ontario?

World's Largest Salt Mine

Ontario Forestry IndustryForests Ontario

Ports in Ontario

Ontario Mining Association

Information from Ontario Mining Association

A career in mining

Jobs in mining

Videos in mining

Information about communities in Ontario

Perspectives on Urban Sprawl

A perspective on Urban Sprawl

Information about the Ontario Greenbelt

Ontario Greenbelt Adventure

Where Should I Live in Ontario?

Living in the Niagara Region

A travel brochure from Bruce Peninsula

City Creator Interactive site where students can create their own community

Types of Communities A visual representation of an urban, suburban and rural community.

We will be making Venn Diagrams using this site to compare municipalities.

From Link to Learning:
CanadaInfo: A Tribute to Canada - a collection of information and links about Canada, its land, government,
people, and rich culture.

Capital  Scramble - identify the provinces and their capital cities in  this interactive game

Canada's  Treasure Hunt - from TVO Kids - Search for "hidden treasure"  as you learn about the provinces and
territories of Canada

Interactive Map  of Canada  - information about the provinces, cities and  major attractions appear
as you move your cursor over the map

We are learning about how needs and wants affects where people may live in Ontario.
As part of our We Scare Hunger campaign, we are learning about why we are holding a food drive for our community food banks.
Daily Break Food Bank

Who's Hungry

Food Banks of Canada

Friday, 2 November 2018

The Grade 3's are learning about scale.

Using a concrete graph helped us figure out why using a scale of 2 is more efficient.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Halloween Fun!

Today we solved The Mystery of the Missing Mona Lisa, we learned to draw sugar skeleton skulls, played "Mystery Handshake," boo-gied like crazy and competed in a bone bridge competition. 

The goal was to create a bridge that holds a black plastic cat. We were only given 20 minutes to work as a team. It was much more challenging then we thought.  Here are some of the final bridges.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Learning about data...

Students will:

  • read data in charts, tables, and graphs (including vertical and horizontal bar graphs)
  • describe the data (e.g., “Most of the data values are different”).
  • interpret data in charts, tables, and graphs
  • Understand and identify mode 
(e.g., “The mode is the value that shows up most often on a graph.”)
  • collect and organize data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs
  • vertical and horizontal bar graphs
  • write titles and labels and with labels 

Sample bar graph and description.

Click here to see a video about Pictograph Scales

Data Management

CHAPTER 3- Data Management

Dear Parent/Caregiver:
Your child can practise some activities such as the following:
Tally Charts                                       pages 56-57
Pictographs                                       pages 58-59
Bar Graphs                                        pages 62-63
Communicate about Data              pages 64-65
Mode                                                  review worksheets
• Your child can design a question, conduct a survey, tally the results, and display the data in a bar graph. For example, they could ask, “How many of my books do I want to read, or read again: soon, someday, or never?” and then interpret the results.
• When sharing a circular item, such as a pie, encourage your child to compare the sizes of slices (cut from the centre); this is similar to a circle graph.
Nelson Web Site at